There he was, the California Spiny Lobster, and I swear he was staring at me. No matter which way I walked those black beady eyes followed me, he was the Crustacean Mona Lisa, only better. His long antennae wavered about feeling the water acting as sensors. But the most impressive characteristic of this particular lobster… [read more]
Hummingbird is Superbird
The last thing I expected to see while walking into my yoga class was a hummingbird. Even though hummingbirds are so tiny, she stuck out like a sore thumb perched on a bright-yellow pipe running along an equally bright yellow-brick wall. It was thrilling to see a hummingbird so close, but terrible as soon as… [read more]
California Sea Lions: size doesn’t always matter
Imagine the challenges of dating someone four times your size, especially during the intimate times. This is the reality of a female California sea lion. Well-known residents of the South Bay, California sea lions, officially named Zalophus californianus, are frequently seen swimming near shore, chasing fish or lounging on buoys. But what goes on behind… [read more]