I finally had the chance to go blue whale watching! After seeing tons of blue whale pictures on Facebook, I said enough is enough already, I’ve got to get out there and see blue whales. Then Harbor Breeze Cruises in Long Beach offered a great deal (for a limited time only), 10 bucks to go… [read more]
Join me for some blue whale watching and rhyming!
The blues are here don’t you know, just get on out there, it’s time to go! See the largest animal to ever live on earth, witness it’s massive hulking, bulking girth. Who knew they would ever visit Santa Monica Bay, I wish there was always enough krill around for them to stay. So rare and… [read more]
Whale watching photos taken near Santa Barbara part 1
Thanks to the hacking incident I’m very behind on posting my latest whale watching photos, but oh well, such is life. On August 13th, I was lucky enough to go on the ACS Whale Watching trip on the Condor Express off Santa Barbara and it was an amazing day. Because it was such a great… [read more]
More great blue whale watching
Yesterday started with another amazing blue whale watching trip. Twenty whale watch naturalists boarded the Voyager in Redondo Beach and headed out to sea despite extremely low visibility. There was a thick marine layer making everything really hazy. It was so bad that once we were further offshore I had absolutely no idea where we… [read more]
Blue whale poop is red
I know what you are thinking, why on earth would anyone want to capture blue whale poop? But when it comes to science and knowing more about whales, anything goes. The blue whale poop in the photo was scooped up by Eric Martin, Facility Director & Educational Co-Director at the Roundhouse Aquarium. He then threw… [read more]
Blue whales everywhere off Los Angeles
If you have never seen a blue whale and you happen to live in the Los Angeles area, then it’s time to go whale watching! There are blue whales everywhere off the coast right now feeding on mass amounts of krill. On Sunday I went whale watching on the Spirit based in San Pedro and… [read more]
Great whale watching near Santa Barbara!
Wow, whale watching off Santa Barbara’s coast is amazing right now. On Saturday, ACS/LA hosted their Summertime Blues Whale Watch Adventure aboard the Condor Express and we watched whales galore lunge feeding on mass amounts of krill in the Santa Barbara Channel. Every where we looked there was either a humpback whale or a blue… [read more]
Climate change at the poles
Well, I have been seriously neglecting my project to blog through the entire Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, so it’s time to revisit the “C” section, which brings us to climate change. The concept of climate change has become so political that it’s easy to ignore sometimes. But based on all the numbers I’ve seen something… [read more]
Humpback whale: the ocean’s motivational leapers
If you have been feeling down or have lost touch with the fun side of life, then it’s time to purchase a ticket to see the famous motivational speakers, I mean the famous motivational leapers…humpback whales. The ocean’s merriment masters, thrill seekers and acrobatic all-stars. Humpback whales or Megaptera novaeangliae are easy to spot with… [read more]
Fin whales: cheetahs of the sea
Second place is such a drag. It means that first place just got away. It means that you were almost the champion. It means that no one gets to hear your national anthem blast during the Olympics. And well let’s face it, second place finishers tend to be forgotten. But what’s that annoying phrase told… [read more]