Today I received a Facebook request from Paul Huxtable (the expert wildlife and dolphin photographer based in Adelaide, South Australia) asking that I post this video on my website. Once I saw the title, I couldn’t not share it, I mean I love dolphins. The video was put together to raise awareness of the dolphin… [read more]
Have a whale of a Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there whether you are feathered, finned, furry or footed! Since this past week was full of fascinating whale news, it’s the perfect time to highlight the trials and tribulations facing some finned moms out there (it’s actually more accurate to say knuckled for gray whales since they… [read more]
Getting inside the dream just for fun
It just so happens that I’m taking a writing class to expand my skills and increase my creative repertoire. For class last night, my homework was to write the same story from three different points of view. I had no idea what to write at first and then I started thinking about that crazy dream… [read more]
Dreamt I was saved by a dolphin
A dolphin saved me in a dream! Having a dolphin rescue me was pretty cool, however the rest of the dream was not so cool. But before I get to the dream, I have to recap the events leading up to it. On Tuesday, March 13th, there were a lot of posts on facebook and… [read more]
Perfection in a dolphin’s tail
This dolphin photo is probably my best, hence the reason it’s the wallpaper on my computer. So I end up spending a lot of time with this common dolphin, wondering how an unidentified piece of string is stuck to its head when its swimming so fast. And where is this dolphin now? What is it… [read more]
Killer whale photos of mom with calf
I just wanted to share some of the killer whale photos I took last Thursday. This post features some mom and calf shots. The first one on the left is definitely the best one, it’s clearly a mom and calf. Unfortunately, my 300mm lens can only get so close, so the calf in the photo… [read more]
Ocean sunfish holy mola!
What on earth is that? This is a common exclamation upon meeting an ocean sunfish, the craziest looking fish inhabiting the same ocean layers humans frequent. But this peculiar fish sports the coolest scientific name: Mola mola. Possibly Linnaeus, the father of modern taxonomy who scientifically named thousands of species, suffered a brief nervous tic… [read more]
Blue whales everywhere off Los Angeles
If you have never seen a blue whale and you happen to live in the Los Angeles area, then it’s time to go whale watching! There are blue whales everywhere off the coast right now feeding on mass amounts of krill. On Sunday I went whale watching on the Spirit based in San Pedro and… [read more]
Top 5 favorite scientific names
In general, scientific names drive me nuts because they are impossible to remember, impossible to spell and rarely make sense. But I have to admit there are some great ones. Every scientific name starts with the Genus the animal belongs to followed by the name of that particular species. As I’ve become more familiar with… [read more]
Pilot whale says cheese
This photo made my day so I had to pass it along. According to a story on, the photo was taken by marine biologist Rory Moore during a dive off the Strait of Gibraltar. It was Moore’s impression that this pod of pilot whales had little contact with humans and were extra curious. The… [read more]