The environmentally conscious people of Hermosa Beach are working to ban polystyrene plastic #6 and expanded polystyrene foam, more commonly known as Styrofoam, take-out containers in their fine city, but they need help! This past May, the Hermosa Beach Green Task Force proposed banning all to-go containers made out of polystyrene, but the City Council… [read more]
Help ban plastic bags in California!
Heal the Bay launched this great video to raise awareness about the devastating impact plastic bags have on the ocean. This is a big deal right now because a vote on Assembly Bill 1998 is expected by the end of August and if passed this bill would ban annoying single use plastic carryout bags in… [read more]
Thoughts on Memorial Day and balloons
Memorial Day was first observed May 30, 1868 to honor those who fought and died during the Civil War. According to the U.S. Memorial Day website, this was done by placing flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Obviously, a lot has changed since 1868. Now Memorial Day is… [read more]
Call the White House and help save the whales again!
Right now President Obama is backing down on his campaign promise to keep protections for whales in place. This is unacceptable! Please call him and let him know that you want him to keep his campaign promise to uphold the moratorium on whaling and oppose commercial whaling. What’s that? You’re not best friends with President… [read more]
Dear IWC Commissioner Monica Medina
The International Whaling Commission is considering a proposal to legalize whaling. Please take time to send an email to IWC Commissioner Monica Medina before the next IWC meeting in June. For more information on how to contact Commissioner Medina and how else you can take action please visit: the ACS action alert page. According to… [read more]