Do you see that gray whale?
Yesterday, the volunteers at the ACS/LA Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project had a whale of a day so to speak. They spotted 27 gray whales headed north! But that’s not all, they also saw tons of other wildlife doing all sorts of interesting things. Here’s a quick recap:
- Bottlenose dolphins playing with one of the gray whales near the kelp forest.
- Two gray whales breaching.
- Sea lions swimming along with one of the gray whales.
- Two humpback whales that breached at least 18 times.
- Five fin whales porpoising at very high speeds.
- Several groups of common dolphins.
- And one small pod of Pacific white-sided dolphins.
All the wildlife we can see off Los Angeles’ coast, never ceases to amaze me. If you haven’t gone gray whale watching yet this season, now is the time. Get out there and see some whales!
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