Pigeon on the run
Recently, I saw another odd looking pigeon at the Ahmanson Theater in downtown Los Angeles. As you can tell in the photo above, the pigeon is a pretty amber brown color with white tail feathers. What you can’t tell from the photo is that this pigeon was running all over the place and let me tell you this bird can run!
The pigeon was running so much that for awhile I thought maybe it can’t fly, but then right as I was about to leave another pigeon landed and the pair flew off together to a nearby tree. Based on my observations, if birds decided to host a race with no wings allowed, this pigeon could easily be a medal contender because the bird had running mastered, it was so fast and smooth.
Watching this pigeon also reminded me of a childhood favorite, Bert doing the pigeon dance on Sesame Street. But to successfully imitate this pigeon, Bert would really need to pick up the pace and upgrade pigeon ballet to pigeon hip hop. And if you don’t know what I’m referring to, then you absolutely must watch Bert doing the pigeon. Enjoy!
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