Tomorrow (or today if you are reading this on Friday, August 31st) is the last day for California’s State Senate to approve a state-wide ban on single-use plastic bags. Please call your State Senator’s office and ask them to vote YES on AB 298 and make this happen!
If the State Senate passes the bill before the legislative session ends tomorrow, then all plastic bags used in grocery stores and large pharmacies will be phased out starting in 2014. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Unfortunately, the State Senate had an opportunity to pass a plastic bag ban in 2010 and they fell asleep at the wheel. Actually, they folded to industry pressure. But now they have a chance to redeem themselves and let’s make sure they do.
Click here to find out who your State Senator is and give them a call or go to the California League of Conservation Voters website and send an email by clicking on the Ban the Bag link. Tell State Senators to get off their duffs (in a nice way) and vote yes on AB 298.
If you need extra inspiration, take time to remember the sperm whale that died from eating 100 plastic bags. That poor whale’s death says it all. It’s really time to get serious about reducing the amount of plastic in the environment and banning single-use plastic bags is a great way to start.
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