Photo credit: NOAA
Last night was another Oscar ceremony full of glitz and glamor, with beautiful and talented men and women taking the stage to accept awards for being beautiful and/or talented. Of course they also make big money for being so beautiful and talented.
But what about all the unpaid stars out there? Who is left dancing and singing when there’s no money and no awards for the taking? The humpback whales!
Humpback whales leap, dance, sing, play and let us watch for free! It’s probably some of the best entertainment you will ever see.
And the Oscars happen to coincide with the humpback whales’ all-star performance time off Hawaii where they mate, give birth and raise their young each year. In fact, they do such a bang up job entertaining everyone and spreading joy that Hawaii officially proclaimed February Humpback Whale Awareness Month. (The proclamation declaring February Humpback Whale Awareness Month is really cool, I especially love the third paragraph.)
So if you want to see a show that will leave you completely star struck, book a trip to visit Hawaii during February and go whale watching. You will see 40 ton animals leap out of the water and you will be completely amazed.
Came back from the ‘Hawaiian Oscar’ premier recently. The stars were spectacular as ever and did not disappoint. For those who have not experienced this nature’s spectacle before, it is a must see. Book your ticket for next winter to see the amazing Humpbacks in action. I have.