Blue whale flukes
The blues are here don’t you know, just get on out there, it’s time to go! See the largest animal to ever live on earth, witness it’s massive hulking, bulking girth. Who knew they would ever visit Santa Monica Bay, I wish there was always enough krill around for them to stay.
So rare and famous they’re making national news, they’ve even been caught singing the blues. For the first time ever a blue whale boomed, a tune for all to hear one afternoon. Whale watchers cheered and screamed in delight as a whale sang at the surface in the sunlight. What a bass indeed and oh what a show, something normally only heard down below.
Join me for some blue whale fun this Saturday starting at one!
Okay, I think that’s it for the rhyme, but it was fun while it lasted. And yes, it’s all true, the blue whales are here in all their glory right off the coast of Los Angeles and one was actually caught singing at the surface on video. They have been hanging out in Santa Monica Bay really close to shore and as you can see if you watch the video, there was even some mating activity going on.
I’m going to be one of the naturalists on the Voyager, this Saturday, September 17th, if you want to join me. The boat leaves out of Redondo Beach at 1:30pm, but arrive at 1:00pm to be safe (plus 1:00 worked better for the rhyme). Also, call ahead to make a reservation because with all the press about blue whales the Voyager is getting tons of calls. All the information is on the Voyager Excursions website. I hope to see you Saturday afternoon!
Carolyn, this is a fantastic post, probably the one I like the most.
At least for this week. Keep up the great work, Rhyme Truth.
Wow, you bust a whale of a rhyme! Say hi to the giants for me!